Monday, April 27, 2015

Installation Art

Friday my nephew asked me if I knew what an art installation was. I said yes but I had a hard time explaining so I googled it. According to Wikipedia "Installation Art" is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that are often site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.
Then he tells me he needs to create an art installation due Monday and did I have any ideas?
" sure" I said "we have a bunch of old cardboard boxes in the garage that we need to get rid of. Cut them in to some shape" we settled on a triangle shape. After a while he asked me to see if he had made enough. They had about 80 triangles I said no I had originally thought about 200 would do but after seeing how small their pile was I told them we would need about 400.

So Collin and I volunteered to help cut triangles. Then we took chrome spray paint to make them look like something better than card board and gave them each a few coats.

I helped Tyson calculate the shape we wanted. A wave seemed the easiest.

We used thread and paper clips to hang them. With Kaylynne's help we got them all hung. And the whole process only took three days


 Here are a few "artsy" shots as Tyson calls them.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I created this piece for a craft contest that Michaels Crafts was doing for a trip to Paris. I never heard who won. I hope if it was me that I don't need to produce this piece because I sold it this week. I am so excited!!.
I tried a few times to make prints of it but none of them did the color right. That's okay the original is so much better. The person I sold it to seems happy to get it.

Monday, April 13, 2015


I've uploaded another painting to Saatchi Art. I still haven't sold anything so I decided this one would be a little wilder. Im calling it Waters Edge. This one was a study of a texture technique using plastic wrap. You crumple plastic wrap and set it on the wet painting and let it dry. I really like the edges of this painting and the effect of the plastic wrap.
I thought about trying to sell the originals but it wants to know the type of packaging and measurements. Since I don't actually have anything at home to ship them in. I will have to wait on that until I can go to a shipping store and find out what the packaging will be.
I keep trying to pin the link to Pinterest but it still doesn't accept it. The very first one I uploaded worked I just can't figure it out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


About a week ago I was walking through Walmart and saw some really soft yarn in their craft department. Needless to say I purchased the yarn on impulse. So then I had to come up with something to make with the yarn. I first thought of a blanket for my new (great?) Nephew (wow that makes me sound old). I discarded that thought almost immediately because of the fact that they received a ton of blankets at the baby shower.

Here he is on the blankets. Soooo Cute... I might be a little biased.

Since it was almost Easter I decided I would try to crochet a bunny. Do not laugh this is my first attempt. The yarn I used was a little think for the pattern I had so I improvised.

The Yarn:
 So soft!

The pieces before assembly:
He ended up being a little long. Longer than Carson
No too bad for my first try!!
Patern was found on pinterest. Of Course!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Just uploaded another watercolor to the saatchi art web site. I still haven't figured out how to pin it.

This is one of my favorite subjects.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art Focus

I have decided to just jump in the deep end. Well maybe just dip my toes in a little. I have wanted create art for a living but I'm not quite that brave so I have started uploading art to the Saatchi Art web site to sell prints.
I've been uploading one painting a week for the last seven weeks. the link to my page is . Unfortunately I have not sold anything yet. I don't know if my stuff is too sedate for Saatchi Art. They tend to have some pretty wild stuff. They do have some conservative art on the site as well so it's probably just me.
Their web site is a little restricted to pricings and size I wonder if there is another site with a lot of exposure that would work better. I found Saatchi on Pinterest. Looking through Pinterest is my favorite activity these days

Here is the latest piece.